Human beings, it’s time to grow and expand
Some people think it’s selfish to be an empowered creator. They worry that they will leave people behind. They worry that following their happiness means hurting others.
What they don’t realize is that being an empowered creator is the most effective and joyful way to uplift the world and those you love.
No one is served by our misery, our insecurity, our anxiety, our obsession with people-pleasing which comes at the expense of caring for and loving ourselves.
Staying dim and afraid simply perpetuates the false and destructive belief in LACK that dominates our planet: not good enough, not enough resources, not enough time, not enough love.
This is the mentality of a child, and we are no longer longer children.
It is time, as a human collective, to grow up. To rise up. To expand.
To remember who we really are: powerful, loving, creative, free, and divine.
It is safe to be different and shine
It is true that many people will feel small when you shine brighter. But it is not your light that is harming them. It is their own belief in their inadequacy.
It is true that you will no longer enjoy the company of certain friends and family when you raise your vibration. But it is not any ill-will on your part that is creating the dissonance. It is their lack of readiness to rise – and we don’t judge that, but we also don’t enmesh ourselves with that.
It is true that people will think you’re weird and judge you negatively when you begin to prioritize your joy. But there’s nothing weird about being an empowered CREATOR – it is our natural state. It’s just that the vast majority of the world are still CONSUMERS – living in an artificial state.
Who is weird?
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~ Krishnamurti
Society rewards and approves of consumers.
And society fears and seeks to control true creators.
As an empowered creator, you will never fit in.
Get used to it.
Own it.
We need you.
If this is the path you’re walking and you would like support to accelerate your healing and creative powers, contact me to explore coaching options.
Photo by Ahmed Carter on Unsplash