You are not stuck
First things first. You are not stuck. You only FEEL stuck.
So let’s talk about how that typically feels.
It feels heavy, like you can’t move in one direction or another.
It feels hazy, like you can’t make the right decision because nothing seems like a GOOD decision.
It feels scary, like you are not in control of your life.
It can feel like you are a victim to the mysterious will of God, the burden of karma, the intentions and actions of others, or the cruel indifference of a random Universe.
Feeling stuck is one of the most unpleasant, disempowering feelings on earth. It can eventually lead one into depression and hopelessness.
Feeling stuck is one of the top reasons why clients come to work with me.
But they usually don’t tell me they FEEL stuck, they tell me they ARE stuck. This is when I smile, knowingly, because I know that the process we’re about to embark on will lead them to discover that there’s actually no such thing as being stuck in your life.
Who is driving your life?
Being stuck in your life implies that you’re not the one driving your life, and that is the farthest thing from the truth.
You’re always the one driving your life.
The only reason it feels like you’re not driving is because you value others’ opinions over your own – whether it’s your family, your friends, society as a whole, OR your own tricky ego. You’ve adopted their opinions and beliefs as your own. You’ve accepted their road map.
A major trigger for feeling stuck is when you suddenly recognize that what your heart and soul wants and values is actually in conflict with what other people want and value.
This recognition makes you pause – and possibly panic – and then take your foot off the gas pedal.
Another cause of stuckness is when what you realize you WANT is in conflict with what you BELIEVE you are capable of. You don’t dare to drive forward.
Feeling stuck is a sign of growth
On a positive note, feeling stuck is often a sign of growth because it means you are beginning to question your beliefs and the way you’re living, as well as awakening to the truth of who you are and what you really desire.
Nonetheless, you’ll remain parked in one place as long as you’re not willing to accept your role as the driver of your life and push the pedal to the medal . . . in the direction of YOUR choosing.
The moment you start driving, you are no longer stuck. It’s as simple as that.
Your task now is to really understand what’s preventing you from driving your own life.
Here are three questions to help you get out of stuck-mode:
- What do you fear the most about moving forward and acting on your desires?
- Who do you feel is judging you and your actions? What are their judgements? Be specific.
- Do you believe you’re capable of achieving your goals? Why or why not? What obstacles are in your way?
After you write down your answers, read through them and pull out the BELIEFS.
Some belief examples are: “I can’t afford to waste anymore time.” “I’m being selfish.” “I’m not good enough.” “I’ll never be happy.” “I don’t have enough money.” “I have no support.”
These beliefs which you accept as truth are the REAL reason you feel stuck in your life.
Isn’t it time to question them? Isn’t it time to change them?
You have that power.
Do you believe in yourself?
Rachel Sales says
Love this!
Stephanie Lin says
Yay, thanks for stopping by, Rachel! 🙂
Reba Linker says
Great post, Stephanie. And really helpful questions to ask at the end. xox, Reba
Stephanie Lin says
Thank you, Reba! Totally, questions are my favorite coaching tool.