
I’m Stephanie Lyra Lin. I’m a healer and spiritual coach devoted to helping sensitive souls release the pain of the past, embody their truth, and live with love.

With a decade of experience working with clients from around the world, a Master’s degree in Buddhist studies, and extensive training in meditation, coaching, Reiki, and Family Constellations, I offer a safe refuge for people to feel, heal, and reconnect with themselves.

My Journey of Healing

In my experience, what we often think of as a curse or flaw can be transformed into a superpower when we learn to own and embrace it.

For me, that’s been my sensitivity - my ability to attune to subtle energy and emotions, in myself and the world around me.

Some experts say that such sensitivity, such empathy, is a byproduct of growing up in a chaotic household, where being able to sense our caregiver’s emotional state was of critical importance . . .

While that may be true, I actually believe that ALL humans are born highly sensitive - and that society conditions us to suppress our sensitivity, ignore our intuition, and numb our emotions.

But suppressing authentic expression has a huge cost - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Imagine if all of that blocked creative energy was freed up and poured into ourselves, our loved ones, our work, and our communities. This is the world I want to live in, and WHY I do the work I do.

My own journey of healing has revolved around unraveling painful, oppressive narratives (as well as lived experiences) around my sensitivity, sexuality, race, and value as a woman and human being.

With the support of teachers, and continual engagement with meditation, yoga, ancestral work, Earth medicine, free movement, and women’s work

. . . I am re-membering who I am.

I am devoted to living a beautiful life that is true to myself, honors the Divine Feminine within all, and respects all beings.

Education & Training

  • B.A. East Asian Studies, SUNY Albany (2006)

  • M.A. (2007) and M.Phil. (2011) Buddhism, Columbia University

  • Certified Life Coach (2013), Brooke Castillo
    The Life Coach School

  • Certified Crisis Counselor (2024), 988 Lifeline

  • M.A. Mental Health Counseling (in progress), CUNY Lehman

  • Reiki Level 1 (2013), Pamela Miles

  • Osho Family Constellations Level 1 and Level 2
    (2015), Svagito Liebermeister

  • Reiki Level 2 (2018) and Master Level (2019),
    Darren Marc

  • EmRahMa Mystery College (2020)

  • Sacred Rage (2023), Maya Luna

  • Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries (2024), Sedona Swan

Begin Your Journey