I’m Stephanie Lyra Lin. I’m a healer and spiritual coach devoted to helping sensitive souls release the pain of the past, embody their truth, and live with love.
With a decade of experience working with clients from around the world, a Master’s degree in Buddhist studies, and extensive training in meditation, coaching, Reiki, and Family Constellations, I offer a safe refuge for people to feel, heal, and reconnect with themselves.
My Journey of Healing
In my experience, what we often think of as a curse or flaw can be transformed into a superpower when we learn to own and embrace it.
For me, that’s been my sensitivity - my ability to attune to subtle energy and emotions, in myself and the world around me.
Some experts say that such sensitivity, such empathy, is a byproduct of growing up in a chaotic household, where being able to sense our caregiver’s emotional state was of critical importance . . .
While that may be true, I actually believe that ALL humans are born highly sensitive - and that society conditions us to suppress our sensitivity, ignore our intuition, and numb our emotions.
But suppressing authentic expression has a huge cost - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Imagine if all of that blocked creative energy was freed up and poured into ourselves, our loved ones, our work, and our communities. This is the world I want to live in, and WHY I do the work I do.
My own journey of healing has revolved around unraveling painful, oppressive narratives (as well as lived experiences) around my sensitivity, sexuality, race, and value as a woman and human being.
With the support of teachers, and continual engagement with meditation, yoga, ancestral work, Earth medicine, free movement, and women’s work
. . . I am re-membering who I am.
I am devoted to living a beautiful life that is true to myself, honors the Divine Feminine within all, and respects all beings.
Education & Training
B.A. East Asian Studies, SUNY Albany (2006)
M.A. (2007) and M.Phil. (2011) Buddhism, Columbia University
Certified Life Coach (2013), Brooke Castillo
The Life Coach SchoolCertified Crisis Counselor (2024), 988 Lifeline
M.A. Mental Health Counseling (in progress), CUNY Lehman
Reiki Level 1 (2013), Pamela Miles
Osho Family Constellations Level 1 and Level 2
(2015), Svagito LiebermeisterReiki Level 2 (2018) and Master Level (2019),
Darren MarcEmRahMa Mystery College (2020)
Sacred Rage (2023), Maya Luna
Divine Feminine Movement Mysteries (2024), Sedona Swan